
OneWall Disclaimer

The information provided on this website is for general information only and does not constitute financial, tax or legal advice. This website shall not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation to subscribe for, interests in any vehicle managed by One Wall, which offer or solicitation will only be made to qualified investors and accompanied by a private placement memorandum, subscription agreement and other related offering documents.

The information contained herein has been prepared without taking into account any potential investor’s investment objectives, financial situation, or needs. Investors are cautioned to consider all of the information contained in this website before deciding on whether an investment in One Wall is suitable.

This website is intended only for accredited investors who are familiar with, and willing to accept the risks associated with private investments. One Wall does not make any recommendations regarding the appropriateness of particular opportunities for any investor. Each investor must independently review and evaluate the investments and determine the suitability of making a particular investment in light of their investment objectives, strategies, and needs.

The performance presented represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Any discussion regarding investment returns or financial projections are provided as illustrative examples only and no inference shall be made therefrom regarding the potential for returns on any investment discussed.

The investment discussed herein may not be suitable for all investors. Each investor must completely understand the risks associated with their investment and should understand that all investment activities involve a risk of loss, including a potential loss of all principal invested. Prospective investors are encouraged to engage and consult with their own legal, tax, and financial advisors before considering any investment discussed herein.

Any discussion regarding potential investment returns or financial projections are estimates only and are based on information currently available to One Wall. Financial projections contained herein are subject to change based on a variety of factors, including those that may be beyond the control of One Wall. No guarantee is or can be given regarding the potential for returns on any investment discussed.